Date 28 - The Cyclist IV

  • The Scene: Bike Ride with an established Atlanta bike company.

  • The Attire: โ€œGodโ€™s Got Meโ€ t-shirt, black cycling pants, red shoes (itโ€™s a bike staple at this point).

  • The Meeting: The front of my downtown building.

  • The Environment: Hot, nervous but ready.

He met me at the entrance of my place, and I descend the stairs with my bike in tow.

We bike ourselves to the meeting spot for the collective, which was less than a mile from my house. I followed his lead, which he does so incredibly well. I noticed that on our first initial impromptu ride, and I like it!

I like how he handles himself and others. Very protective in an assured and assertive, not aggressive way. He makes everyone around him feel safe and secure.

I dig it!

The ride was a tortuous one. I had no idea what to expect and if I have known, I most certainly would have bowed out. The ride was fast paced, the city was dark, the crowd was all men. The only other woman was a newbie like me. The Cyclist and I immediately brought her into our couple fold. Letโ€™s just say, halfway through the ride, I was carrying all of her stuff until The Cyclist saw me and reclaimed her bag (from me) as well as her bike (from her) which then left her still struggling up the mountainous hill.

The biggest saving grace was having The Cyclist by my side.

It may for a comical story post ride.

I had to ice my legs, my back and my feet after that intense 25 miler!

  • Note to Self: Sometimes, it is best not to know what to expect. 

  • Shout Out to Men: That testosterone is real!

  • Question: Why do certain genders need to show off? Is it something in the genetic pool or something learned?


Date 29 - The Cyclist V


Date 27 - The Cyclist III