Date 10 - The Dude

  • The Scene: Savannah Grass

  • The Attire: Gold shorts, white tank, over-sized translucent gold visor (thanks to the Paparazzi Band), and white Pumas with a gold accent.

  • The Meeting: A gentleman approached me while walking on the road of the carnival. We had an engaging conversation and decided to take it to a lunch date.

The band’s direction led us to an area where food was ripe for consumption. I grabbed my lunch and immediately spotted “That Dude” standing up to wave me over to a space he had reserved for our date. How sweet! Once I arrived at the designated destination, he proclaimed, “I want to take you out!” and I respected the directness.

He was such a gentleman and made the environment as comfortable as possible while showering me with isolated attention, inquisitive questions, and serious intention. I enjoyed his conversation, but towards the end of our time, it felt a bit aggressive and semi possessive. 

What do I mean? 

It’s more of a feeling and an energy that was revealed the more time I spent in his presence. The good thing about me: I understand about myself, I am guided by intuition and discernment. I am constantly reminded that the inner voice will never fail and will always guide if you listen. He served me like a gentleman by waiting on me hand and foot. It felt good, and I enjoyed that time together. The challenge, he did not know how to say bye, literally or figuratively. It was too much and too intense for the limited time we had together. 

So, for days after, I avoided him like the plaque at the bottom of a rotted tooth.

  • Note to Self: Relish all moments because you never know when it will be your last. 

  • Shout Out to Men: Less can be more. 

  • Question: Why is emotional intelligence not an automatic trait? 


Date 12 - The Strategist (Part 2)


Date 11 - The Strategist (Part 1)