Date 15 - The Big Easy

  • The Scene: Upon arrival, the party was in full swing, the energy was pulsating, the crowd was fresh, the networking was ripe, the conversations were boisterous, and the environment was staged for strangers to become familiar.  

  • The Attire: Oversized denim shirt, fitted semi-mini skirt, black stilettos.    

  • The Meeting: Walking from one social room to another, I spotted a tall gentleman looking at me, and I, in turn, gave him a look and a wave (Cherrod’s attempt at an intentional interest gesture). He placed his hand over his eye and half covering his mouth, and stated “I see you, and you see me,” then began to laugh unabashedly, and I had to smile (more so at his pleasant demeanor than his corny joke). He walked over to me, introduced himself, and we immediately began conversing. He is cracking me up. Easy demeanor. Full smile. Open heart. Lively personality. Fun-loving laugh. Let’s call him the Big Easy. He is from New Orleans and at 6’6” we can call him big, right?

  • The Environment: Arriving ahead of two different sets of friends, I walked the space to take inventory – restrooms, dance floors, eateries, and of course (for my girls, since I don’t drink), the libation station. The vibe was eclectic and full, the energy palpable, and the friendliness flowed like the endless red carpet stationed at the entry.  

After meeting Big Easy and feeling comfortable with him and in his presence, I thought he would be an ideal date (especially for this blog), but he is from New Orleans and only here for the weekend, so how could I maximize the time? We wrapped up our lively conversation while I was pondering what to do. I doubled back – yes – I did that, and I asked if he would like to go on a mini-date with me the next day, to which he responded affirmatively. We exchanged numbers, and the plan was in motion.

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"What is a mini-date?" he asked. 

"We will figure it out together tomorrow!” I don’t have to have all the answers just because I asked the question – at least that’s what I am telling myself. ;)

The next day, as I sauntered from one music stage to the live band stage, I run smack dab into him, and he screams, “my date!” looks back at his boys and exclaims, “I told y’all I had a date today!” From there, we comically set the rules of engagement for our time together. Our date was insightful, engaging and honest. I learned a great deal in our 45 minutes together. It’s unbelievable how much you can learn about someone when you rise above the bullshit and don’t have to wade through the games. We both, due to our own life circumstances, have a mentality of taking complete advantage of each and every day of life. Our immense gratitude is that we are able to experience and explore a new 24 hours. Though our perspectives lie on opposite ends of the spectrum, we both have a foundational alignment. He is in law enforcement and indeed challenged me in a way that was uncomfortable, invigorating, and insightful. That Big Easy was definitely that.

  • Note to Self: Chivalry is appreciated. When provided with the opportunity, it’s ok to walk through the door and push it open further than originally intended. 

  • Shout Out to Men: Put that “representative” at bay and show up (even on the first date) in all the glory you possess. 

  • Question: Why does eye contact convey so many layers of communication?


Date 16 - DDG


Date 14 - The Strategist (Part 3)