Date 16 - DDG

  • The Scene: I observed this gentleman at the pre-event, but we didn’t connect until the following day at the main event. We noticed one another at the pre-event, made eye contact several times, but never introduced ourselves. 

  • The Attire: Unique rope inspired chiffon fabric sundress with impeccable detailing, gold Grecian sandals (all thanks to a recent trip to Mykonos, Greece)

  • The Meeting: At the main event, walking from the main stage to the garden party, the crowd thickened the walkway, so the quarters were close. Following behind my girl crew, I spotted DDG, and he spotted me. 

  • The Environment: Full-fledged party environment.

We made eye contact, he said hi, and I returned the pleasantry. We engaged in conversation and reflected on the fact that we saw one another the previous night but never verbally connected. He seemed shocked, and Cherrod had to, in turn, ask him if he was sober (no shade intended). He replied, “No, ma’am.” 
Shortly thereafter, he leaned in and said, “I know this isn’t appropriate, but can I ask how old you are?”

I, shocked and appalled, immediately jumped to clenching my pearls and thinking, what in the hell? You aren’t supposed to ask my age. However, I decided to check myself, and I said, “DDG, can I ask you another way? What drives your why? Why do you ask?”

He said, “Either you are aging absolutely beautifully, or you are so so young.”

I smiled, more in gratitude for my ability to self-regulate so that I could bask in the glow of his compliment, and I responded, “I am blessed to be aging beautifully as you so kindly stated.”

“How old are you?” I inquired.

He stoically stated, “45.”

I wanted to pass out. This man was drop-dead gorgeous (the reason this post is entitled DDG), and I knew there was no way he was single. He talked about driving his son to the University of Delaware, and I asked him how long he had been married.

"I have never been married. I was a knucklehead when I was younger, so I had two children without being married," he confessed.

Flatlined! Did this man just say he was single?

I asked him if he was interested in a mini date. 

He confidently replied, “I would love to get to know you, Cherrod.”

 “I hope you are as handsome on the inside as you are on the outside,” I mused.

He said, “I sure hope I am.”

Our date began from there.

I learned a great deal from our time together and experienced another example of how flat the world is. His best friend knows some of my sorority sisters and is from the same geographical region as me. I mean, what?!? 

I enjoyed talking to him, being in his presence, being hugged by him, and his level of appropriateness (in all aspects that I experienced of him). He was gentlemanly, straightforward, direct, well-traveled, professional, and incredibly humbling with a stoic disposition. I had the pleasure of seeing him briefly again later that evening at an after-party as I was saying my goodbyes.

  • Note to Self: When you have a hard time trusting, hope can be a difficult pill to swallow.

  • Shout Out to Men: Your masculinity is a beautiful gift when handled appropriately. 

  • Question: Why are good-looking men so intimidating at times?


Date 17 - Mr. Riverdale


Date 15 - The Big Easy