Date 17 - Mr. Riverdale

  • The Scene: Walking from a garden party to the main stage to connect with my girls. 

  • The Attire: Blue, yellow and beige sundress adorned with intricate rope perfectly accentuating the chiffon fabric

  • The Meeting: While walking from one venue to another, a gentleman stopped me and asked, “Why are you leaving me?” 

  • The Environment: Outside event sauntering from one space to another while being serenaded by talented musicians.

Emoji eye roll. Seriously. I just looked at him. He said, “my name is Riverdale; what is yours?” 

I replied, “Cherrod.” 

Then, he hit me with the – are you single? I said, yes. 

“I want to make sure you are available before engaging,” he explained.

I could appreciate that! 

He asked the usual, “Are you having a good time? Where are you headed? Are you going to the afterparty?” I answered his questions. He asked if I could call him or text him and I said I could. After moments of dialogue and learning about each other, we parted our separate ways. I texted him, he responded, but I didn’t feel a connection with him, and so, I decided not to engage further. I consider that more as not wasting one another’s time than ghosting, am I right or do I need to check myself?!!

  • Note to Self: If you aren’t feeling it, it's ok. 

  • Shout Out to Men: Sometimes, you just aren’t equally yoked, and that’s ok. Don’t play around with people’s emotions.

  • Question: Why do you feel it with some and not with others?


Date 18 - To be or not to be?


Date 16 - DDG