Date 22 - Jack II

  • The Scene: Piedmont Park.   

  • The Attire: White floor-length dress with deep shoulder cuts and gold sandals with gold accessories popping against the all white backdrop.

  • The Meeting: In the bike shop purchasing a mirror and cell phone holder for my new customized matte black road bike. He entered while I was deciding between products to purchase. He perused the shop as I completed my transaction.

  • The Environment: Informal, sunny and active.

Asking the bike guru for a minute, I walked over to Jack and greeted him with a hug and a “one second.” I sauntered back over to Rita, the bike guru, to complete my transaction. Once finalized and the bike ready, Jack led us outside and placed my bike in my car. Car locked and bike loaded, we made our way to stroll through Piedmont Park casually. We stopped at a gazebo where we sat and began a conversation about life and perspective while flirting and learning about one another. He enjoyed my all-white attire, and I took him in his all-black with a touch of white. He did bring it on a bit heavy, but I was here for it.

 He demonstrated concern for me and my well-being; he shared things that were affectionate and sweet, and he exposed his heart, which really won me over. From the park, we rode (him following me) to an event, but we only made it in time for the tail end. Afterward, we went for gas (he pumped the gas into my car – I paid for the gas), and he went with me to one of my favorite Thai spots in Atlanta. We ate, connected, and engaged. I enjoyed him but thought on occasion that the level of authenticity, self-awareness, and alignment of words was lacking. I would ask a question like, “How do you handle conflict, or what is the other side of you?” and he would say something like, “You and I would never fight, I feel like we could work through anything.” Nice but red flag!

  • Note to Self: Be aware of what the universe is saying (because it’s constantly communicating).

  • Shout Out to Men: Working on communication is foundational. Please know yourself before you pursue others.

  • Question: What one thing do you need to work on to make yourself better?


Date 23 - Jack III


Date 21 - Jack I