Post 38: Mr. DJ III

  • The Scene: My hometown

  • The Attire: Cut-Off Shorts, Hometown T-Shirt with two 3-year-old twins in tow

  • The Meeting: This gentleman and I have been communicating for several months via telephone and facetime (due to the COVID-19 climate) + our respective schedules + my international travel which created a wedge in our opportunity to connect physically. 

  • The Environment: Walking and playing with the twins through the neighborhood where I grew up. 

  • Our Story: Pushing myself, I engage differently. I decide to express myself calmly and directly without holding my emotion (which begins to eat at me intrinsically). I expressed to this gentleman (on several occasions) that I feel dismissed when he gives me his word that he will do something and doesn’t follow through. 


His words, “I will call you back.” 

His actions, he doesn’t.

In week 2 of him not calling me back, I decide to text him, “Sending you positive energy on this Memorial Day! Hope you are well Mr. DJ”

Response: 365 in the BUILDING!!! Thank you kindly. I receive that and needed that. Hope you’re doing great”

Me: It’s been a while … is everything ok with you?


Him: Ehhh

It will be soon

Things just have to run its course


Me: What can I do to support you?


Him: This check-in was perfect. I appreciate it


Me: If you need an ear, I am here …


40 minutes later, my phone rings … I am running with the twins but rush to pick up the phone and to say, “I am in the midst of playtime (as I was on the street with cars flying by)” – I ask, “can I call you back?” He says, “No worries, I am heading to play golf” 


I said, “OK” he said, “I will call you later.”

I asked the clarifying question, “later today or later in life?”

He laughed and said, “That’s hilarious … Later tonight Cherrod.”

I said ok and we hung up.


Then this text conversation:

“Hey 365!!! … hope you’re doing well. I decided not to call you back yesterday not because I didn’t want to talk to you but because when I did want to talk and share, you couldn’t because you were distracted by 3 yr olds (totally understandable). I appreciate you offering to listen … I really do. We will talk soon for sure”


I am dumbfounded and done!


Next day text, “Good Morning D365. Hope your day goes great and amazing.”

Me: “Thank you for your text Mr. DJ and praying the same for you.”

Him: Thanks


Our time: Ended.


I never heard back from him and made the executive decision that my time is too precious to entertain this level of selfishness and pettiness.


Note to Self: When you feel fundamentally disrespected, do what you need to do to care for you – you don’t need to be mean but know and understand your value. 

Shout Out to Men: Consider your words: think before you text. Filtering helps! 

Question: How do you react to others’ level of selfishness?






Post 39: Mr. IT


Date 37 - Mr. DJ II