Post 41: Mr. United

Post 41: Mr. United

The Scene: Hometown Abode with my computer front and center, cheesing like a Cheshire Cat.

The Attire: Casually cute

The Meeting: This gentleman and I have been communicating for years maintaining a casual friendship with flirty sprinkles. We met at a National Conference in Washington, DC. He was a fashion stand out with impeccable style. I liked him immediately. We exchanged telephone numbers. Later, we met. He walked me to the Ball (which he did not have tickets) and again, met me afterward the Ball, to peruse the streets of DC.

 The Environment: I have been ready for this moment as this is one man whom I have stretched myself to gain his attention, but I don’t think his radar has been attuned. When we met, his emotions were fragile, and I always respected his position.

Our Story: It’s weird because it’s not like me to fawn over anyone but perhaps it was his vulnerability which endured him to me. Mr. United is kind, hilarious, smart, intelligent, servant oriented and a spirit of community. I feel at ease with him.

 So, I asked him for a virtual date. He popped on the screen, and I thought, “LAWRDT!”

During the conversation, he shared his love for being single.

My heart hurt.


It will heal.


I realized that I held on to an illusion of him and not to reality of him. 

Funny how the brain can do that as times. 


Note to Self: Its ok to take chances but remember your man will come for you.

Shout Out to Men: Speak your truth. 

Question: How do you handle unintended rejection which is still rejection?



Post 42: Unknown


Post 40: Mr. IT II