Post 40: Mr. IT II

Post 40: Mr. IT II


The Scene: Highly Anticipated Face-to-Face Casual Date

The Attire: Black Compression Tight, Black Sports Bra, Armani Sport Jacket with slight flair and White Nike Athletic Shoes

The Meeting: We’ve communicated for several months, and due to COVID as well as our respective schedules, this was the best fitting opportunity to connect.

The Environment: Our only engagements have been via telephone and FaceTime. 

So, nervousness was real. A steady companion to the days leading up. 



Thinking of all the things you do when you want to make a good impression combined with the anticipation of what to expect:


  • Does the figment of my imagination parallel with the reality of who he is? 

  • Is he as taller or shorter than me, I am only 5’2”!

  • Does he have some hidden ailment that he did not disclose?

  • Is the wildness of my imagination on target or a misfire?

  • The list goes on and on …


Our Story: As I am waiting at our agreed upon destination. Anxiety is high. 

 I watch people floating pass, some kind enough to stop and compliment my outfit, which was a reassuring confirmation of my fashion goal.  

2 minutes past our planned date hour, turned into 5 minutes which quickly flowed into 15 minutes and then high annoyance set in. 


Time is a telling sign.


I took pause as I understand the chaos that is downtown Atlanta. I also know, there is a working phone which could have been leveraged. Finally, we connected. To the side of the big red CNN sign across from Centennial Olympic Park. 

 He was smaller than I thought but that was ok; he had a wide smile and kind eyes. 

For 3 hours, we walked throughout downtown Atlanta.


During that time, I learned that he lacks common sense and has a bend toward women who carry more of a gold digger mentality which is not me. It was so interesting to listen to him espouse story after story of situations that confirm the foregone conclusion. 


As we were approaching the end of our walk, he shared his last story of a woman he dated whom demanded he buy her a $500,000 ring. My immediate thought, “that is such a depreciating asset.” #MindsetDifferential. 


We got to his car, he asked “can I give you a ride home?”

I politely declined and replied, “I am going to run home.”

He asked, “will you call me to make sure you make it in?”

I agreed.


I called. We talked. He concluded with, “we should do that again sometime.”

He never called.

I didn’t mind.



Note to Self: LISTEN. It’s such a powerful, underestimated gift. 

Shout Out to Men: Be honest; it will save time (to all parties involved). 

Question: How long would you stay on a date (once you knew you were no longer interested)?



Post 41: Mr. United


Post 39: Mr. IT