Date 01 - Meet Dr. BLG

  • The scene: a collegiate fundraiser.

  • The attire: a customized leather dress purchased from a visit to Seoul, Korea.

  • The Meeting: A friend was giving me a ride home and while walking out, we ran into a gentleman he knew from his hometown of Ohio. The gentleman was dressed in a hoodie which was a stark contrast to the recommended event attire. He posted and postured as if he was an elite to this shindig.

    I, completely unimpressed. Insert a little about me and how I viewed this encounter: he allowed his insecurities to make him an ass.

    So, he is spewing (aka bragging) about the high-profile event he just left.

    My response, “Wow! So, to what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

    He countered, “you are a wild one!”
    From that initial encounter, I should have known. I made my way out the door, whispering to my friend, “I will wait for you in the lobby.”

  • The environment: Representing my company by presenting numerous scholarships to deserving students and highlighting the benefits of our corporate brand.


The story: Fast forward two weeks (from the collegiate fundraiser), I was seated at a friend’s party; eating meatballs, cheese and crackers. A gentleman approached me, “hello.” I exchanged the greeting. When I glanced up, I noticed this is the same guy from the event two weeks ago.

I immediately asked, “didn’t we meet?”
He replied, “Yes, I believe we did … You are beautiful!”
Me, “Thank you.” (my Granny taught me Southern Hospitality)

We began to chat about our respective lives and then our conversation led to the dance floor. While dancing, we are chatting, and he is doing the most (more than I am comfortable with). I realized then that he was trying me (who knew that everything could be a test, I am just wanting to get my dance on). I decided we needed a pause. I observed him conversing and gliding from woman to woman placing a hand ever so casually here and there. I am taking note and continuing to network and connect as the space begins to fill with holiday cheer.

After 20 minutes, he asked, “do you want a drink?”
Me: “Sure, water please.”

15 minutes later, same question and I reply as I did previously. He walked away and did not return.

Fast forward six days. It was the end of another holiday party. My friends and I are walking toward the door and I hear a voice question, “you just going to walk past me?”
I glance over to see Dr. BLG (below is our text communication verbatim).

Me: “Yes.”
Him: “I never got your number”
Me: “I know, you never came back.”
Him: “I don’t remember it that way.”

At that time, my purse fell, and he grabbed one of my business cards …
From there, please find our text communication …

(please note, in the communication below, I am referred to as GT)

iMessage-Date-01 Day 1 & 2

“Bye, Little Girl” This is classic comedy and I was amused. Flabbergasted but amused. To be honest, I laughed myself to sleep with his level of audacity and prayed for his wife.

Note: he did not have on a wedding ring when we met …

  • Note to Self: Don’t suffer fools.

  • Shout-Out to Men: Married men (like Dr. BLG) can go kick rocks on Highway 285 during rush hour traffic.

  • Question: Why do some men assume that even if they are married, a woman wouldn’t care either? #karma


Date 02 - Sticky Fingers


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