Date 19 - Man in Black II

  • The Scene: A movie theatre housed within a larger shopping complex.

  • The Attire: Black jeans with small slits at the knee, black crop top, and black heeled tennis shoes.

  • The Meeting: Walking from the parking garage, I spotted Man in Black leaning on the wall awaiting my arrival.  

  • The Environment: On time and ready to watch a movie and observe body language.

Our Story: John Wick III and Candy Man.

As someone who literally avoids horror movies like the plague, these movies served as its foundation. I had no idea what I was getting myself into but it was disturbing to my core. I literally counted every second until the end. It’s difficult for me to shake those kind of films and an additional level was added by the sheer delight he took in their digestion. I realized that between my intense heart palpatations and our lackluster engagement; the alignment or lack thereof was pretty apparent. Now, perhaps you are thinking, “Girl, it’s just a movie!”

You are right.

It is.

However, there were a great deal of nuances to this date (pre and post). I decided to spare the details. There was a widening that continued to happen after date 1 and now, this one. Our engagement felt like a lot of work, a lot of effort, a lot of energy and I felt exhausted. Perhaps it was the 3 hours cringing that drained me. I do not know but I what I will say: its just not worth it, to me at this juncture.

With that, I listened to my heart and acted accordingly.

  • Note to Self: Misalignment is obvious.

  • Shout Out to Men: I do appreciate learning in your world.

  • Question: Why is violence some men’s playground?


Date 20 - Man in Black III


Date 18 - To be or not to be?